Tuesday, 15 December 2009


The repatriation of the 100th soldier killed this year in Afghanistan took place today in Wotton Bassett. Family and members of the public paid their respect to Lance Corporal Adam Drane, 23 from Bury St Edmunds who was killed in Helmand province last Monday (7th December 2009).

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Through the Door

A few pictures taken, Friday 30/10/09, of rehearsals of the musical Through the Door which is being shown at Trafalgar Studios, London.

Friday, 2 October 2009


Just a quick pic from a shoot earlier on today in Kennington.

Monday, 10 August 2009

Hampton Court Palace

Just a couple of images taken in Hampton Court Palace (Sunday 9th).

The Night Before

Snapped on Sunday morning. Something strange obviously happened to the sign and now headless pigeon the night before in Vauxhall.

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Sky Snap

Just a quick snap of the sky outside. The clouds looked so unreal tonight after the heavy rain earlier on.

Going Underground

I quite liked this snap from last night. I was trying to take photos at a friends event, Going Underground in East London. The 'cabaret style' night was held in an old warehouse in Shoreditch, London. I loved the way the space was lit, with pockets of light and shadow. I didn't shoot much - but this snap is quite cool.

Friday, 10 July 2009

SOHO FIRE - Dean Street, London

Pictures from the blaze in Soho, Central London. More than 60 firefighters are tackling the fire which started in a building in Dean Street today.



Wednesday, 27 May 2009


Hi, just an update. You can now comment on all the posts even if you do not have a blogspot account. Have fun!

Tuesday, 5 May 2009


Just a snap of a bookshop along Charing Cross Road. I really liked the reflections from the street in the window.

Friday, 17 April 2009

Easter Monday

A few images from Easter Monday in Nairobi. People were making their way back from up country after visiting families over the Easter weekend. (April 13 2009).

Kenya Images

Just a few more images from Kibera. Taken on 9th April.

Friday, 10 April 2009

Kenya - The Kibera Slum

Sorry for the lack of posts while I've been away. It's been tricky to get online. Anyway here are a couple of images a shot in the Kibera Slum in Nairobi. It's the second biggest in the world with over one million occupants.

Sunday, 22 February 2009


Nico-D at the Vauxhall Fashion Scout, London Fashion Week 2009 (Sunday).

Betty Jackson

Pictures from the Betty Jackson show in the BFC Tent at London Fashion Week 2009.

Fashion Week (Sunday)

I'm just in the media centre backstage after shooting the Betty Jackson catwalk show at ridiculous o'clock in the main tent. The designs were a little uninspiring, and bland. The pix are not too bad considering. I didn't have any tickets or passes so had to blag my way into the press section.

Spotted Dawn French, Lorraine Kelly and some random girl from All Saints. I'm three celebs up from the girls about town blog at Arts London News.

Anyway, I will post a couple of images from it when I get back tonight.

Saturday, 21 February 2009

London Fashion Week

I've just got in from covering London Fashion Week.  I spent this afternoon in the Vauxhall Fashion Scout area covering the backstage and catwalk show of label Horace.


Thursday, 19 February 2009

Picture Story

I'm just putting together and captioning a picture story I've been working on for the past few weeks. The story is a day in the life of a priest and I've finally decided on the opening image. Let me know what you think.

Welcome & Hello

I'm Alex and welcome to my picture blog. I'm a photojournalist and I want to use this blog to show some of my latest images and work in progress. Feel free to comment on my work and reply to my posts. I will try and post as often as possible so do keep coming back to check.

Here are a couple of images from the last few weeks to get started.